7.3 141 minBLURAY Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)Action, Adventure, Thriller, USA 22 Apr 2015John Mahaffie, Joss Whedon, Paula Casarin Tonton
6.9 122 minBLURAY In the Heart of the Sea (2015) REMASTEREDAction, Adventure, Drama, History, Spain, USA 20 Nov 2015Jo Beckett, Kathy Hughes, Ron HowardTrailer Tonton
7.0 97 minBLURAY Maleficent (2014)Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Romance, USA 28 May 2014Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, Robert StrombergTrailer Tonton
6.5 113 minBLURAY Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)Adventure, Family, Fantasy, United Kingdom, USA 25 May 2016Anna Worley, James Bobin, Shaun O'DellTrailer Tonton