7.7 141 minBLURAY The Martian (2015)Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, United Kingdom, USA 30 Sep 2015Alberto Hernandez Rodriguez, Annie Penn, Béla Bagota, Bogi Móricz, Gábor Gajdos, Giuseppe Pagnozzi, Hannah Quinn, Jun Ren, Lizzie Pritchard, Luke Scott, Mohammad Kloob, Nick Thomas, Raymond Kirk, Ridley Scott, Rosie Keane, Sonia Contreras, Tamás Péter Chipie, Tamás Vass, Vanessa Isabelle, Vera JanischTrailer Tonton
5.8 103 minBLURAY The Great Wall (2016)Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, USA 16 Dec 2016Zhang Yimou Tonton
8.1 169 minBLURAY Saving Private Ryan (1998)Crime, Drama, History, USA 24 Jul 1998Adam Goodman, Ana Maria Quintana, Martin Krauka, Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, Steven Spielberg Tonton
5.7 118 minBLURAY The Brothers Grimm (2005)Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, USA 26 Aug 2005Mishka Cheyko, Nikki Clapp, Terry Gilliam Tonton
8.6 169 minBLURAY Interstellar (2014)Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, United Kingdom, USA 5 Nov 2014Brandon Lambdin, Christopher Nolan, Dillon Neaman, Gary Hawes, Gregory J. Pawlik Jr., Jason Z. Kemp, Megan Shank, Nilo Otero, Valgeir Gunnlaugsson Tonton
7.5 130 minBLURAY Thor: Ragnarok (2017)Action, Adventure, Comedy, USA 25 Oct 2017Ben Cooke, Kerry Lyn McKissick, Taika Waititi, Tom Hooper, Vincent Lascoumes Tonton
7.5 121 minBLURAY Deadpool 2 (2018)Action, Comedy, USA 15 May 2018Ana Oparnica Sebal, David Leitch, Paul Barry Tonton