7.3 141 minBLURAY Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)Action, Adventure, Thriller, USA 22 Apr 2015John Mahaffie, Joss Whedon, Paula Casarin Tonton
8.4 181 minBLURAY Avengers Endgame (2019)Action, Adventure, Best, Science Fiction, USA 24 Apr 2019Anthony Russo, Chris Castaldi, Edward Catley, Joe Russo, Mark Johnston, Simon DownesTrailer Tonton
7.1 124 minBLURAY Captain Marvel (2019) UHD BlurayAction, Adventure, Science Fiction, USA 6 Mar 2019Anna Boden, Jeff Habberstad, Lars P. Winther, Ryan FleckTrailer Tonton
7.9 129 minBLURAY Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019)Action, Adventure, Best, Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction, Germany, United Kingdom, USA 28 Jun 2019Alleris Gillham, Artur Surma, George Cottle, Jelena Grisina, Jon Watts, Josh Robertson, Tom Brewster, Tom WatermanTrailer Tonton
8.3 149 minBLURAY Avengers: Infinity War (2018)Action, Adventure, Thriller, USA 25 Apr 2018Anthony Russo, Chris Castaldi, Eli Sasich, Hajar Mainl, Joe Russo, Lori Grabowski, Mark Rossini, Simon Downes Tonton
7.7 137 minBLURAY Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)Uncategories, USA 19 Apr 2017James Gunn Tonton
7.3 115 minBLURAY Doctor Strange (2016)Action, Adventure, Animation, Thriller, USA 25 Oct 2016Daisy Baldry, Jo Beckett, Joey Coughlin, Michael Lerman, Scott Derrickson, Teresa Orlando Tonton
7.4 124 minBLURAY Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)Action, Adventure, USA 5 Jul 2017Jon Watts, Kerry Lyn McKissick Tonton
7.3 134 minBLURAY Black Panther (2018)Action, Adventure, USA 13 Feb 2018Dawn Gilliam, Lisa C. Satriano, Ryan Coogler Tonton
7.5 130 minBLURAY Thor: Ragnarok (2017)Action, Adventure, Comedy, USA 25 Oct 2017Ben Cooke, Kerry Lyn McKissick, Taika Waititi, Tom Hooper, Vincent Lascoumes Tonton
7 119 minBLURAY Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)Action, Adventure, Thriller, USA 4 Jul 2018Hajar Mainl, Hannah Myvanwy Driscoll, Karen M. Cantley, Peyton Reed, Robin Meyers Tonton
8.1 121 minBLURAY Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, United Kingdom, USA 30 Jul 2014James GunnTrailer Tonton
7.8 146 minBLURAY Captain America: Civil War (2016)Action, Science Fiction, USA 27 Apr 2016Anthony Russo, Joe RussoTrailer Tonton